先进的监控 & 传感解决方案

Wabtec 矿业 数字矿山 先进的监控 和 传感解决方案
Wabtec 矿业 数字矿山 先进的监控 和 传感解决方案

简单的统计:  矿业 Operators take real-time information from 声s, 振动, 应变, 和其他关键因素,但使用不到1%的数据. Wabtec partners with our customers to ensure real-time information is being collected 和 distributed via distributed sensing capabilities by collaborating with Hifi Engineering 和 Stone Three Solutions.

Wabtec 数字矿山 enables operators to leverage analytics 和 artificial intelligence to identify root causes和 move from predictive to prescriptive analytics enabled by fiber-optic monitoring technologies 和 prescriptive analytics. 数字矿山从声学中获取实时信息, 振动, 应变, 还有其他关键因素, enabling operators to increase their confidence with the production monitoring of their assets 和 overall operations.

Premier distributed integrity monitoring 和 management solution:

Wabtec’s 数字矿山 combines advanced fiber-optic technology from Hifi Engineering with the power of 资产绩效管理, delivering the most reliable readings with the most actionable insights 和 ongoing advisory support.  

Our solutions can be leveraged over a wide range of applications, such as:   

  • 管道监控 & 传感  
  • 尾矿健康监测和管理解决方案
  • 综合输送带健康监测

我们帮助客户监控温度, 声, 和 kinetic energy (应变 和 振动) to alarm on multiple types of events, 包括:  

  • 不正常的温度  
  • 管道应变与运动  
  • Hillside erosion 和 other geotechnical event detection including active or residual earthquakes
  • 通过声学检测到的入侵
  • 泄漏


  • 与传统的分布式传感器(DTS)相比, 达斯, DSS), Wabtec 数字矿山 solutions have significantly higher fidelity (multiple orders of magnitude increase in sensitivity) 和 are effective over much longer distances, representing a responsible investment with an attractive payback
  • Higher sensitivity 和 multiple variables enable machine learning 和 eliminate false positives, 哪个支持更明智的决策, 最终支持预防性管道泄漏检测

我们的监察工作 & 传感解决方案工程


  • 高保真光纤传感器安装在, 附近, or inside pipelines to capture 和 securely send comprehensive data from the pipeline to the control room at the speed of light.  


  • False alarms are avoided by checking current conditions against expected activity, 哪些是通过基线调查获得的. 如果有任何不寻常的活动, operators are notified immediately through 资产绩效管理 with critical information needed to identify the cause for the alarm 和 avoid or minimize impact.  


  • 有了这些实时的, 可操作的见解和直观的软件界面, control room operators can quickly analyze comprehensive data to more easily make critical decisions about whether or not to shut down operations.  


利用基于机器视觉的智能传感器技术, 咨询数据分析, 和 advanced process control services to help monitor your process plant.

  • Ore Size:  The primary crusher is the link between the mine 和 plant, 和 its productivity is of major importance to any operation. 与石头三号合作, our particle-size-measurement solution uses machine vision to monitor ore during tipping, improving primary crusher uptime by early detection of oversized particles 和 increasing its efficiency by enabling fragmentation feedback to blasting operations.
  • Crushing:  Crusher performance is key to a healthy mineral-extraction process 和 can be hampered by improper gap settings, 次优进给尺寸和不可预测的衬套磨损. Our Crusher Diagnostics 和 Analytics solution is a machine-vision-based system that continuously monitors the feed 和 product size distribution as well as other key parameters, 提高破碎机的性能.
  • Grinding:  The grinding mill is regarded as the primary module in many comminution circuits. It is costly to run, 和 optimizing its productivity is essential.  Suboptimal feed size leads to inefficient grinding 和 reduced throughput. Our Milling Diagnostics 和 Analytics solution is a machine-vision-based system that continuously monitors the feed size distribution as well as other key parameters, 提高磨机性能.  
  • Flotation:  Proper operation of the froth flotation process leads to improved recovery, 但挑战, 如细胞不拉扯, 挡道. Our Flotation Diagnostics 和 Analytics solution is a machine- vision-based system that continuously monitors key froth 和 pulp metrics. 


销售 & 支持


亚太地区 (点) dmt [at] wabtec (点) com

拉丁美洲 (点) dmt [at] wabtec (点) com

不结盟运动 (点) dmt [at] wabtec (点) com

欧洲、中东 & 非洲
emea (点) dmt [at] wabtec (点) com